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Writer's pictureSteve Martinez

Shiprocked theme nights announced!

Shiprocked gave us the theme nights today! We have been waiting for this to drop so we can plan on which ones we would like to partake in. Nicole is super excited for neon night to be announced. Neon night is Sunday, January 19 the first night on the cruise. What a great way to start the trip off. Next on Monday, January 20th is ShiprockedMania wrestling themed. Not too sure if we will be dressing up for this one but cant wait what others do. Than Tuesday, January 21st is prom night Nicole and I are planning on doing this one, we and thinking about busting out what we wore to our prom. First we have to see if we still have the outfits and check and see if they fit. Up next on Wednesday, January 22nd is yacht rocked, I think we have something in our closet that will work for this one. On Thursday, January 23rd is totally tubular, we could dress up as any 80's movie or tv show. Friday, January 24th will be the last night closing out the coolest rock vacation ever with hair metal. With BIG hair and tight pants! We are getting so pumped for this trip, we are just one step closer! #soon

The information below is from Shiprockeds website. Be sure to check there for all updates.

Let's Glow Crazy Theme

Sunday, January 19

Dearly beloved... We are gathered here today to get through this thing called "Glow." Electric word, glow. That means bright and loud, black lights showtime. But I'm here to tell you there's something else: Neon. A beacon of never-ending tackiness. You can always be seen, day or night.... Let's Glow Crazy!

ShiprockedMania Theme

Monday, January 20

Wooooo! Listen up brotherrr, I'm comin' for you, yeah! Tonight the Skullycrusher is gonna drag your chicken little tender torso across the deck, headbang you from the top rope, and then buy you a tiny child’s ice cream cone, because that’s what heroes do! Let's get ready to rumble! OHHH YEAH!

Prom Night Theme

Tuesday, January 21

Tease those bangs high and break out the pastel cummerbunds, Class of '85... It's gonna be the most magical night of your life since your nerdy best friend confessed they had a crush on you in 8th grade Chemistry! We're gonna slow dance until we run out of spiked punch or Phil Collins power ballads, whichever comes first.

Yacht Rock Theme

 Wednesday, January 22

Attention all Rosannas, Brandys, Valeries, Rich Girls, McDonalds, Logginses, Christophers, Captains and assorted Smooth Operators... This is gonna be the Nautiest night since the Catalina Wine Mixer! So don your crisp whites, pastel polos, flirty tennis gear, and don't forget the champagne and sexy sax solos!

Totally Tubular

Thursday, January 23

Fire up the flux capacitor and cue the workout montage because it’s time for a Bartles & Jaymes Wine Cooler-fueled night of the best in 80’s TV & Movies! There are only, like, countless icons from the A-Team of decades. But we do pity the fools who have to choose between Golden Girls and Goonies.

Hair Metal Theme

Friday, January 24

Hairheads, it's your time to shine. Debauchery, DLR split kicks, decadence, the elastic wonders of spandex, and reenactments of The Dirt. Let’s get rowdy and make it a night Nancy Reagan would start a war against. Please note there’s only one rule here on the Sunset Ship: Any hair under 12” tall will not be admitted to ride.

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